Cancelation and Refund policy

We issue refunds for the purchases within 3 hours of the original purchase of the packages.

A payment gateway fee @2.3% of the paid amount and processing fee @5% of the paid amount will be deducted from the amount to be refunded.

If a person purchase any package through website or through the affiliate link he/she will be eligible to ask for refund within 3 hours of purchasing any package after that no refund will be given under any circumstances.

For the refund, you need to mail at In the following format with registered e-mail ID only.

Full Name –

Registered e-mail ID –

Registeration date –

Screen shot of Payment Invoice with date and time (You must have received on e-mail/message when you paid) –

Reason for refund –

*No refund request will be accepted without above mentioned details.

*No refund request will be accepted after 3 hours of purchasing any package.

Please note that for the “Refund” you need to mail us only at